The real secret to making money online has nothing to do with your site or the product you sell......Fact!
What really makes the difference as to whether you make money or go bust is all dependant on how many people see your site each day.
If you only get 10 to 100 people per day visit your site, you might as well give up now. I'm sorry to say but if you can't get people to your sites you are not going to make any sells!
But the good thing is that I'm going to teach you how to get people to your sites!
I'm sure you have heard of Affiliate Marketing and In my opinion it is the best way to make money online.
Some people think that Affiliate Marketing is a scam and tell you to run but the truth is, It's not as a matter of fact has been doing it since the 90's and have been very successful because of it.
So what is Affiliate Marketing exactly?
It is in very simple terms when a company pays you to do their advertising for them, Companies love this because they don't have to pay you if you don't make them any money.
This allows them to have more people working for them and they make more sales and don't have to do any extra work.
Types of affiliate websites
Affiliate websites are often categorized by merchants (i.e., advertisers) and affiliate networks. There are currently no industry-wide accepted standards for the categorization. The following types of websites are generic, yet are commonly understood and used by affiliate marketers.
- Search affiliates that utilize pay per click search engines to promote the advertisers' offers (i.e., search arbitrage)
- Comparison shopping websites and directories
- Loyalty websites, typically characterized by providing a reward system for purchases via points back, cash back
- CRM sites that offer charitable donations
- Coupon and rebate websites that focus on sales promotions
- Content and niche market websites, including product review sites
- Personal websites
- Weblogs and website syndication feeds
- E-mail list affiliates (i.e., owners of large opt-in -mail lists that typically employ e-mail drip marketing) and newsletter list affiliates, which are typically more content-heavy
- Registration path or co-registration affiliates who include offers from other merchants during the registration process on their own website
- Shopping directories that list merchants by categories without providing coupons, price comparisons, or other features based on information that changes frequently, thus requiring continual updates
- Cost per action networks (i.e., top-tier affiliates) that expose offers from the advertiser with which they are affiliated to their own network of affiliates
- Websites using adbars (e.g. Adsense) to display context-sensitive, highly relevant ads for products on the site
- Virtual Currency: a new type of publisher that utilizes the social media space to couple an advertiser's offer with a handout of "virtual currency" in a game or virtual platform.
- Video Blog: Video content which allows viewers to click on and purchase products related to the video's subject.
- File-Sharing: Web sites that host directories of music, movies, games and other software. Users upload content (usually in violation of copyright) to file-hosting sites, and then post descriptions of the material and their download links on directory sites. Uploaders are paid by the file-hosting sites based on the number of times their files are downloaded. The file-hosting sites sell premium download access to the files to the general public. The web sites that host the directory services sell advertising and do not host the files themselves.
So now that you know exactly what Affiliate Marketing is lets talk about how you are going to make money using Affiliate Marketing and what steps you are going to need to take.
1. First decide exactly what nich or market you want to be in. (Ex. The health industry. If you want to offer health products)
2. Decide exactly what products or services you are going to offer to that nich. (Ex. If you are going to be in the health nich you might promote weight loss products and programs.
3. Once you have got your nich and products picked out you are going to need a way to build a list of prospects that want the products and services you are offering. The best way to do this is by offering a free newsletter, or things for free and have them put in their name and e-mail address in order to receive what you are offering.
- This should be the main focus of all of your marketing efforts because once you have their e-mail address you can send them your offers any time you want. (The Money Is In Your List, The bigger your list the bigger your paychecks!)
4. Now that we have your nich, products and a way to build your list it's time to start sending people to our sites. There are so many ways that you can get people to your site but we are only going to cover what has worked best for me.
First way to get visitors is Free and it brings me almost 1 MILLION visitors a month.
What if you could get 1 million visitors in the next 30 days? Would that make your sales increase?
What if you could guarantee that all these visitors were real people, and they would be on your site for at least 10 seconds each? And what if you could get all this completely free?
Would your bank balance be able to take the strain as the sales poored in?
There's an incredible new marketing system that can easily and very realistically send you over a million guaranteed real visitors to your website, and it won't cost you a thing.
To learn more go to
The second way is a little like the first way except it is using banner ads this one is 100% FREE as well learn more at
- Probably the most popular way that almost everyone uses is PPC advertising?
PPC stands for Pay-Per Click and it is exactly what it says, you create a small ad and pay for each person that clicks on your ad. You can find these at Google, Yahoo, and a ton more if you just do a search on PPC advertising.
- Then there is Classified ads. This can be Free or you can pay for it. There are thousands of places online where you can advertise. This works but it is a lot of work I mean a lot but one of the most popular places to advertise is I do this with some of the products I sell. Craigslist is great for some products and not so great for others! But it is FREE to advertise on craigslist.
Another great way to get FREE traffic to your sites is by blogging and ezines. Again there are thousands of places to blog and post ezines online just do a search. I am using a blog right now, that is what this is.
Another one of my Favorites is called Safe list
What is a safe list?
A safe list is a site that you join for free and they let their members send out email to all the subscribers that have agreed to receive messages from the other members.
The subscribers/ members read the other subscribers/members email messages and have to go to their site to earn FREE email credits.
What do you do with these credits?
You use the credits earned to send out your emails and websites to other members. The best part is the other members have to go to your site to earn credits.
This is another really great way to get people who are looking for home based business opportunities and ways to make more money with their home based business so if you have a great website and offer something they need, you will get a ton of FREE traffic using safe list!
I have a list of over 100 Safelist that are all free to join if you would like them sent to you please e-mail me at and just put please mail me your safelist in the subject and I will send them to you.
Then we have Facebook. There is a really great program that has helped me make thousnads of dollars on Facebook check it out at
The last two things that have worked well for me is the following
The first system is Called: Solo Ad Message Blaster
Blast your solo ad message to over 3,000,000 people daily! Submit your site to 29,000 other websites and directories. Get access to search engine submitters and other tools also.
This is another one that I would have gladly paid over $1,000 for and it has 2 options.
Option #1
Send up to 60 Million+ targeted emails monthly
• Send ads to 3 Million hourly -- 1-click emailing is done with your Web browser!
• You will only receive email from other pro members -- not the entire database
• You can use our system to market all of your products and services -- except no adult ads
• Use our Member Center to submit your ad to 200,000+ Web sites daily
• Blast Your Ad to 800,000+ Ezine Subscribers
• Submit to 38,000 Classified Ad Pages
• Blast Your Ads With Your Web Browser!
• Earn 50% Commission with our clickbank Reseller program!
• No SPAM Complaints!
• No trouble with your ISP!
• No more paying $100's for a single email blast!
• Send Mail to free pro safelists daily & also to an additional 200,000 members of free safelists right from the member center.
Option #2 You get *
Everything listed under "Option #1" at the left, plus everything below.
Randomizer Script (100% Resale Rights). Run a great randomizer site! 2 members get paid every time!
Submit Your Site to 2 Million+ Hourly - 100% Resale Rights - no validations, no return mail. Html pages for the website included. Click to See.
FREE Auto Desktop IP Blaster (100% resale rights) - Send to 6 Million from your desktop - Click to See.
BRAND NEW Great Script Package (100% resale rights) - This one is an excellent seller! Click to See.
FREE Fully-Functional Auction Script - Run your very own auction site! Resale rights included.
Huge 100% Resale Rights Package with 100% Resale Rights - $49.95 value. This is a great seller. Html website pages are included. Click to See.
FREE Safelist Script (CGI)-- Click to See -- This script comes with resale rights ($20 - $30 value). Run your very own profitable safelist -- easily! And FREE!
FREE Submit Your Ads to 185,000 Members! Ezine Blaster & Full Resale Rights (includes all website files). Click to See.
FREE -- PR Blaster Software (includes 100% Resale Rights) -- Blast your ad to 1,800+ Lists Instantly. FREE!
FREE Dynamic Form Generator with Built-In Form Processor PHP Script ($25.00 value) Click to See
FREE Website Rotator Script -- 100% resale rights
Option # 1 is $29.95 and as you see it will get your message out to millions
Option # 2 is $39.95
Go check it out at